POSOL Security Key Issue Policy

POSOL Security Key Issue Policy

On the installation of all new locks, new keys will be issued free of charge as follows;

  1. One to each owner of a remote berth
  2. Where a remote berth owner has previously purchased one or more additional keys and can demonstrate
    this by presenting the old keys, the same number of extra keys will also be issued free of charge.
  3. Premier Marinas and the local Fire Service Authority
  4. The Managing Agent will also hold a number of spare master keys which may be issued to POSOL (only) employed contractors from time to time.

Each key is stamped with a number and a log is maintained of keys issued to shareholders

The above list defines the basic free issue entitlement. It is recognised that there are genuine cases where an exception should be made. Each case will be considered on its merits with the objective of keeping the number of keys on issue to the minimum while not impeding or restricting shareholders from enjoying their property as they are entitled. Examples of exceptions to the general rule are:

  1. The owner of a berth immediately adjoining a remote berth area and who is entitled to license that berth and can allow access to the berth via the remote berth area without the licensee having to pass through the attached house or without having to pass behind any other house. In such a case it is reasonable to supply a key to the remote berth area but on a chargeable basis.
  2. The owner of a berth which is attached to a house in Tintagel Way, who rents out the house but not the berth, and uses the berth for his/her own boar may be given a key(s) since he/she will then have access through the gate or gates (depending on the location of the berth relative to the adjoining remote berth areas). Such an owner can use the waterside footpath provided by the developer of the Tintagel Way houses with a water frontage, to gain access to the berth. Tintagel Way is unique in this respect.

Entitled key holders may purchase additional keys if needed. Additional and/or replacement keys will be charged at £25.00 each.

Keyholders are asked to keep their keys safe at all time. The fences, gates and locks are designed for our
communal security.