If you own or are renting a house at Port Solent, or are thinking about buying one, the Directors of POSOL Residents Management Company Limited – usually referred to as POSOL, on behalf of all the residents would like to welcome you to our web site. Port Solent is one of the most attractive marina developments on the South Coast and we hope that you have a very happy time here.
The purpose of this website is to provide you with much of the practical and reference information to enable you to get the most out of living at Port Solent and help us in our endeavours to keep Port Solent a very special place to live.
We hope that the information here will be an invaluable resource when running your home. The website www.posol.co.uk is regularly updated and contains considerable general information as well as official POSOL Company documents and useful contacts.
POSOL is a Limited Company whose shareholders all own houses in this Marina Development. POSOL and every house owner have all signed legal agreements designed to preserve the very special nature of Post Solent. This website identifies the practical arrangements in place to achieve this objective. Details of the legal agreements can be found in Menu > Houses > Title Deeds and Menu > Berths > Sub-Underleases.